The treatment you’ve been waiting for.

The enjoyable Sunlighten mPulse Smart Sauna experience is enhanced with redlight and near infrared LEDs for better skin and cell health, less pain and inflammation, and improved muscle recovery, in addition to all the other benefits you’ll experience with regular use. You are ready to begin your wellness journey with the very best in infrared therapy.

Clinically-Backed Results

Sunlighten’s infrared technology was driven by science and designed for the most therapeutic results, making it so powerful for improving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Traditional saunas heat the air at high temperatures, creating only a surface sweat. The average person should only stay in a traditional sauna for 15-20 minutes. On the contrary, since infrared heats the body directly, providing a very gentle heat, sauna sessions are comfortable for 30 minutes or more. Infrared light penetrates human tissue at the cellular level which in turn produces a host of anti-aging, cardiovascular, immunity, and many more health benefits. As the self-care movement gains momentum, the evolution of infrared saunas has landed sauna therapy at the top of wellness trends.




heart health

weight loss

Infrared Sauna

Unlock optimal health and longevity with the mPulse sauna, a comprehensive wellness tool designed to offer all the benefits of infrared therapy. Whether you select a clinically supported health program or tailor each wavelength to suit your evolving needs, this sauna adapts to your personal wellness journey.

The mPulse Discover provides a serene retreat, delivering targeted blends of gentle red/near, mid, and far infrared to help you relax, rejuvenate, and revitalize. The sauna also features elegant corner glass French doors, adding a touch of sophistication to your relaxation experience.

Experience the benefits of Chromotherapy

What is Chromotherapy?

Ancient cultures developed medical systems based on energetic principles of the universe and the somatic cellular body. The Sanskrit principle of Ayurveda describes of the wheels of life or Chakras as originating from subtle energy known as Prana. This type of subtle energy can be modulated by electromagnetic field/visible light to stimulate the brain/nervous system, cellular tissues, and bodily organs. Visible light is emitted as photons that are absorbed through the skin and the active receptors in the eyes. Once absorbed, proteins or photopigments are activated at specific wavelengths to produce chemical reactions in the body. These reactions can produce various therapeutic biochemical benefits depending on their wavelength.